Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Fashion and You - Focus for Makeup and Beauty

Makeup should be a girl’s best friend. Diamonds are unattainable! On the other hand, makeup totally changes how you look and you can transform yourself into someone else even. In the makeup category, there are various things: eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, concealer, blusher/rouge, lipstick, lip gloss, eye pencil… and the list can go!

Most of the time, women carry a lipstick, lip gloss, blush/rouge and an eye pencil in a little make up bag. Trust me, every woman has to have one of the listed items in their bag! Its a strange unknown phenomenon that we’ve just come to accept. More awestruck are the men I’m sure. They probably don’t understand a woman’s need of always going to the bathroom. [Trust me: Its not a case of the bladders]

Using makeup isn’t about becoming someone else as we all like to say. In face, makeup shouldn’t be used so early even. When you start to use makeup, its a transition from a little girl to an older woman. Its like a coming of age ritual but not to be taken too seriously of course.

There are several methods and techniques when it comes to using makeup. There are also do’s and don’t's that one must actually keep a track of. Unlike clothing which you can repeatedly change, it isn’t so easy to achieve that with makeup. Why would you want to keep rubbing it off right?

Keep your makeup to a minimum and if you’re carrying your kit around I hope you know that makeup also has an expiration date. Be careful and be clean when you use your makeup. We’d like to suggest that its best not too hoard up on them and cake them on your face. Keep it minimal and au natural. features Faces of Canada today, a leading line in the world of makeup so embrace the inner beauty and let your face shine today as you discover Faces.

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